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Using the MKR2UNO Plus with the PROTO SHIELD Plus

Published : 17/10/2019 00:00:10
Categories : Proto Shield Plus

Using the MKR2UNO Plus with the PROTOSHIELD Plus

MKR2UNO Plus with the Proto Shield Plus

If you want to use the MKR2UNO Plus on the PROTOSHIELD Plus, you have to consider:
  • On the PROTOSHIELD Plus D11 connects by default to RED LED and it will conflict with MKR11 pin which acts as SDA pin to establish I2C communication with PCF8254 LCD driver
  • On the PROTOSHIELD Plus D12 connects by default to GRN LED and it will conflict with MKR12 pin which acts as SCL pin to establish I2C communication with PCF8254 LCD driver
  • To let the pushbuttons resistive network work properly you need to set Vbrd of the PROTOSHIELD Plus to 3,3V

Disconnecting RED and GRN leds from D11 and D12

On the PROTOSHIELD Plus GRN LED connects by default to digital pin 12 (by means of SJD12).
On the PROTOSHIELD Plus RED LED connects by default to digital pin 11 (by means of SJD11).

RED and GRN LEDs on the Proto Shield Plus


Proto Shield Plus RED and GRN LEDs schematics
OUTPUT LEDs connection on the PROTOSHIELD Plus

SJD12 and SJD11 on teh Proto Shield Plus
SJD12 and SJD11 on the PROTOSHIELD Plus

Cut SJD12 and SJD11 (see above image) in the middle to disconnect D11 and D12 pins from the OUTPUT LEDs.

Setting Vbrd of the PROTOSHIELD Plus to 3,3V

Locate SJBRD on the bottom of the (see below image).
As you can see, SJVBRD connects by default to 5V.

Proto Shield Plus SJVbrd
Bottom view of the PROTOSHIELD Plus


Proto Shield Plus SJVbrd close up
SJVBRD on the bottom side of the PROTOSHIELD Plus

To set Vbrd to 3,3V, you have to cut the default connection to 5V and connect it to 3V3 with a little drop of tin (see Figure 34).

Setting Vbrd to 3.3V on the Proto Shield Plus

Configuring SJVBRD to set 3,3V Vbrd on the PROTOSHIELD Plus

Testing the APSP_demo_MKR1000 sketch

Download the APSP_demo_MKR1000 sketch by clicking here.

This sketch works with any of the Arduino MKR board family (MKR1000, MKR 1400 GSM, MKR FOX 1200, etc.)

This sketch makes use of D2 and D3 to drive GRN end RED LEDs, so if you want to see them light up, you have to follow the instructions on the PROTOSHIELD Plus User Manual chapter 10.1.

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