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The Proto Shield Plus Output LEDs

Published : 04/25/2018 14:42:20
Categories : Proto Shield Plus


Having two ready-to-use LEDs could helps a lot while setting up your prototyping environment or while coding and debugging your application.

The Proto Shield Plus comes with two on-board OUTPUT LEDs (GRN and RED).
GRN connects by default to digital pin 12 (by means of SJD12).
RED connects by default to digital pin 11 (by means of SJD11).

The Proto Shield Plus Output LEDs

The Proto Shield Plus Output LEDs close up

The Proto Shield Plus Output LEDs schematics

Using the OUTPUT LEDs with different digital pins

If you want to connect OUTPUT LEDs to different digital pins (different than 11 and 12), just cut SJD11 in the middle to disconnect Arduino D11 pin from RED Output LED and cut SJD12 in the middle to disconnect Arduino D12 pin from GRN Output LED.

The Proto Shield Plus SJ11 and SJ12

The Proto Shield Plus SJ11 and SJ12

Connect the digital pin you want to drive GRN LED to the GRN LEDs IN pad (marked in green in the following picture).
Connect the digital pin you want to drive RED LED to the RED LEDs IN pad (marked in red in the following picture).

The Proto Shield Plus Output LEDs LEDs IN

You can add a male 2.54 pitch 1x2 pin strip connector or a female 2 pins female header depending on your needs.

Proto Shield Plus LEDs IN pin strip

Proto Shield Plus LEDs IN female header

If you want to easily connect and disconnect GRN LED from D12 and RED LED from D11, you can add two male 2.54 pitch 1x2 pin strip connector to JD12 and JD11 pads and use a jumper to connect / disconnect D12 and D11.

The Proto Shield Plus SD11 and SD12 closed

The Proto Shield Plus SD11 and SD12 open

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